Our School
Our Mission

We aim to provide an environment:
- Where all the pupils will feel welcome and safe.
- Where all pupils will develop a sense of pride in themselves and in their school.
- Where teachers, pupils and parents work together in a friendly and tolerant atmosphere.
- Where pupils learn to accept the needs, opinions and rights of their peers.
- That will help the child to live a full life as a child and to realize his/her potential as a unique individual.
- That will help the child to develop as a social being through living and cooperating with others.
- That prepares the child for further education and lifelong education.

Specific objectives to our school:
- To enable children to come to an understanding of the world through the acquisition of knowledge, concepts, skills and attitudes and the ability to think critically.
- To enable children to apply what they learn to real life contexts so that they may respond to the variety of challenges they encounter in life.
- To enable children to become lifelong learners through developing positive attitudes to learning and the ability to learn independently.
- To enable children to develop spiritual, moral and religious values.
- To enable children to develop literacy skills, comprehension skills and expressive skills in language and to appreciate the power and beauty of language.
- To enable children to develop numeracy and problem-solving skills and an understanding of mathematical skills.
- To enable children to develop a respect for cultural differences, an appreciation of civic responsibility, and an understanding of the social dimension of life, past and present.
- To enable children to develop skills and understanding in order to study their world and its inhabitants and appreciate the interrelationships between them.
- To enable children to develop their creative and imaginative capacities through artistic expression and response.
- To enable children to express themselves physically through the acquisition of a range of movement skills and to appreciate the potential and importance of health and well-being.
- To enable children to develop personally and socially and to relate to others with understanding and respect.